Breeding Plan for 2025

First: God is in control of all pairings, and this plan is subject to His will and, therefore, may change over time. Our goal this year is to have kids born in mid-February to late March, 2025.

To learn how to be added to our Interest List, please click HERE.

All kids will be eligible for registry with MDGA and TMGR. All kids are priced after birth, but our breeding stock ranges from $500-$650. Wethers will be $150. In mid-to-late spring, we will also be selling some of our adult does.

The entire herd is tested yearly for diseases. We tested clean in 2024 for Johnes, Brucellosis, and CAE. CL testing is available at buyers’ expense for goats over 6 months by request.

We reserve the right to retain any kids born on our farm. Your indicated interest in any pairing does not guarantee any purchase of kids born. We use our Interest List to pair buyers and animals; we do not promise to go in strict order, but given two potentially good fits, the one who contacted us earlier gets first pick.

We choose breeding pairs not according to generation numbers but with an eye toward improving our animals’ conformation and udder production. If you are hesitant to buy lower generation minis, please read THIS ARTICLE on how to prefer quality animals over generation labels.


Senior Does

JC’s Bluebelle 3*P and Cedar Creek’s Outlaw Blues *B

Bluebelle had a lovely, capacious, highly productive first freshening udder, and her second, third, and fourth freshening udders were even better, with a lovely, well-blended extended forudder that I definitely want reproduced. She easily earned her 305-day production star in 2021. She is a gorgeous chocolate roan with strong breed character.  We retained her daughter, Storybook’s Briar Rose, who had a beautiful FF udder in 2022, and an even stronger one is 2023. We have purchased her grand-daughter, JC’s Biscotti. We also have Bluebelle’s daughters Storybook’s Sweet Lilac (polled) and Storybook’s Mayflower (from 2021 season). Lilac is on track to get her star as a FF. And in 2024, we retained her doeling, Storybook’s Creme de Cocoa. Outlaw is new to us, and will be bred to half of our herd this year. He is five years old with lots of daughters on the ground who have beautiful udders, and sons who have done well in the show ring. Added to his milk pedigree are his amazing conformation and blue eyes, and he’s polled! This pairing will yield F5 kids. Boys will be *B, and blue eyes and polled kids are possible. Also chocolate and/or black kids.

Storybook’s Doux Champagne and Cedar Creek’s Outlaw Blues *B

Sweet Champagne, how I love her! She’s out of Udderly Precious Mimz the Word *P (an MDGA top 10 doe in both milk pounds and butter fat pounds) by Green Gables E Asher *B, whom we lost in 2022 to meningeal worm. I was super excited about this doe’s first freshening, and her udder was fabulous: high, tight, and productive! She led the barn in milk production among our first fresheners in 2023, and is on track to earn her milk star in 2024. Both of her 2023 kids were moonspotted (see her page), though we cannot find out where she’s hiding hers! Outlaw is new to us, and will be bred to half of our herd this year. He is five years old with lots of daughters on the ground who have beautiful udders, and sons who have done well in the show ring. Added to his milk pedigree are his amazing conformation and blue eyes, and he’s polled! This pairing will yield F7 kids. Boys will probably be *B (pending Champagne’s star), and moonspots, blue eyes, and polled kids are possible. UPDATE: They connected on September 9; unconfirmed due date is February 6.

JC’s Snowdrop 3*P and Cedar Creek’s Outlaw Blues *B

JC’s Snowdrop 3*P is one of our best milkers. She is a sweet girl, with lovely moonspots. She had given us all boys except for her wonderful daughter, Tiger Lily (below) and this year, Poppy! This will be her last season with us, and we are hoping for one more daughter! Outlaw is new to us, and will be bred to half of our herd this year. He is five years old with lots of daughters on the ground who have beautiful udders, and sons who have done well in the show ring. Added to his milk pedigree are his amazing conformation and blue eyes, and he’s polled! This pairing will yield F5 kids. Boys will be *B, and blue eyes, moonspots, and polled kids are possible. Also chocolate and/or black kids.

Storybook’s Tiger Lily and Cedar Creek’s Outlaw Blues *B

Tiger Lily is one of two daughters of her dam, JC’s Snowdrop 3*P. Snowdrop is highly productive for milk, giving over a gallon a day for three months on test in 2024. Tiger Lily’s sire is Green Gables E Asher *B. So, her milk genes are strong. She is a sweet girl, with lovely moonspots. Her FF udder was so wonderful that we retained her 2023 daughter, Sassafras, and this year she gave us a gorgeous doeling (Landini) and we retained her 2023 son (Dappled Willow). We are excited about her milk testing in 2024; she’s on track to get her star. Outlaw is new to us, and will be bred to half of our herd this year. He is five years old with lots of daughters on the ground who have beautiful udders, and sons who have done well in the show ring. Added to his milk pedigree are his amazing conformation and blue eyes, and he’s polled! This pairing will yield F6 kids. Boys will be *B (pending her star), and blue eyes, moonspots, and polled kids are possible. Also chocolate and/or black kids. UPDATE: They connected on September 8; unconfirmed due date is February 5.

Storybook’s Annette and Storybook’s Candyman *B.

This is Storybook’s Annette. She is a full sister to Storybook’s Prince Valiant, and the daughter of Ginger Top Farm’s Giselle *P, a national Top Ten milker in three categories. Annette had a gorgeous FF udder in 2023: high and tight with great teat placement. Unfortunately, we weren’t milk testing that year, or she would have gotten her star nursing twins. Her topline and feminine lines are beautiful! Annette had a singleton in 2024, so is not milking so strongly as last year, but still may get her star. Candyman will be new in our lineup, but his genes are well known to us and we are SO excited about this pairing. Candyman is the son of Wonderful Farm SG Royal Candy *P and Green Gables E Asher *B. He is polled as well. Both of his parents have outstanding milk pedigrees; please click on his name to see all the stats! Kids will be F3. If Annette gets her star, boys will be *B. Polled kids are possible.

JC’s Biscotti and Cedar Creek’s Outlaw Blues *B

Biscotti came to us from outstanding milk lines that combine JC and Storybook animals. (Read more on this here.) I love Biscotti’s smaller size and feisty personality. She is well on track to get her milk star in 2024. Outlaw is new to us, and will be bred to half of our herd this year. He is five years old with lots of daughters on the ground who have beautiful udders, and sons who have done well in the show ring. Added to his milk pedigree are his amazing conformation and blue eyes, and he’s polled! This pairing will yield F6 kids. Blue eyes and polled kids are possible; boys will be *B if (as we anticipate) Biscotti gets her milk star. UPDATE: They connected on September 8; unconfirmed due date is February 5.

Mosaic’s Tiny Dancer and Green Gables AC Amazing Asteroid *B

Dancer is from excellent milking lines, combining Blackberry and Green Gables royalty, and has a long, level topline. She is also super sweet in temperament. She is mid-sized. This pairing linebreeds on our favorite Green Gables forbearers. Dancer freshened with twins, and we retained both of them (Storybook’s Cha Cha Cha and Storybook’s Rocket Man). Dancer is on track to get her star as a FF. Mazy gave us gorgeous kids in 2024, with outstanding ears and breed character. And his milk heritage is, well, amazing! In 2020, Mazy’s dam Eclipse placed twice on the Top 10 305-Day List: #3 for milk volume and #5 for total butterfat. She earned her milk star in both volume and butterfat. In 2021, Eclipse peaked on test at 14#. Add to these, Mazy has a long, level topline and great breed character with a super nose and long ears. Kids will be F7; boys will be *B if Dancer gets her star.

Storybook’s Sweet Lilac and Green Gables AC Amazing Asteroid *B

I have loved Lilac since she was born. Her roaning is lovely, and her overall look is very feminine. (The picture doesn’t flatter her.) And those ears! She is also polled. She is the daughter of JC’s Bluebelle 3*P, who has one of our barn’s best udders. In 2024, she freshened with a lovely udder after giving us triplets. We retained one of her daughters, Storybook’s Dahlia. This is a repeat breeding! Mazy gave us gorgeous kids in 2024, with outstanding ears and breed character. And his milk heritage is, well, amazing! In 2020, Mazy’s dam Eclipse placed twice on the Top 10 305-Day List: #3 for milk volume and #5 for total butterfat. She earned her milk star in both volume and butterfat. In 2021, Eclipse peaked on test at 14#. Add to these, Mazy has a long, level topline and great breed character with a super nose and long ears. Kids will be F6; boys will be *B if Lilac gets her star. Roaning, chocolate, and polled kids are possible.

Storybook’s Mayflower and Green Gables AC Amazing Asteroid *B

Mayflower (Lilac’s littermate sister) is another retained daughter of of JC’s Bluebelle 3*P, who has one of our barn’s best udders. Mayflower’s FF udder was well shaped, but she had one singleton buckling, so production was underwhelming. We expect better this year! Mayflower has lovely, very strong-boned, and “very dairy” overall conformation, and beautiful long ears. This is a repeat pairing with Mazy (as opposed to Outlaw) who has less bone, a great topline, and great breed character, as well as outstanding milky genes. Last year, these two gave us a beautiful buckling with the loooongest ears and gorgeous nose for Mayflower’s first freshening. This pairing will yield F6 kids. Chocolate and/or black kids, and heavy roaning, are possible. Breed character should be amazing!

First Fresheners in 2025

The spotlight (for us, this year) is on four daughters of Green Gables E Asher *B, who we lost in the fall fo 2022, just after he had sired them. They are: Brillig, Beauty for Ashes, Pansy, and Twix. These four girls are out of some of our best does, and we just can’t wait to see their FF udders!

Storybook’s Brillig and Cedar Creek’s Outlaw Blues *B

Brillig (Champagne’s full sister) is another retained daughter of of Udderly Precious Mimz the Word *P, who has one of our barn’s best udders. Brillig has great conformation: both deep and long, and is wildly moonspotted, like her illustrious sire, Green Gables E Asher *B. Outlaw is new to us, and will be bred to half of our herd this year. He is five years old with lots of daughters on the ground who have beautiful udders, and sons who have done well in the show ring. Added to his milk pedigree are his amazing conformation and blue eyes, and he’s polled! This pairing will yield F7 kids. Blue eyes, moonspotted, and polled kids are possible. UPDATE: They connected on September 7; unconfirmed due date is February 4.

Storybook’s Beauty for Ashes and Cedar Creek’s Outlaw Blues *B

Beauty (another Asher daughter conceived just before we lost him in 2022) is out of Storybook’s Ambrosia, another daughter of of Udderly Precious Mimz the Word *P, who has one of our barn’s best udders. She has wonderful moonspots and blue eyes. We are very excited to see her udder freshen! Outlaw is new to us, and will be bred to half of our herd this year. He is five years old with lots of daughters on the ground who have beautiful udders, and sons who have done well in the show ring. Added to his milk pedigree are his amazing conformation and blue eyes, and he’s polled! This pairing will yield F7 kids. Blue eyes, moonspotted, and polled kids are possible.

Storybook’s Pansy and Cedar Creek’s Outlaw Blues *B

Pansy (another Asher daughter conceived just before we lost him in 2022) is out of JC’s Bluebelle 3*P. Bluebelle has a productive, high and tight udder that has held up very well through five freshenings. Bluebelle’s fore udder is extended and well blended. Pansy is full sister to Briar Rose (click to see her udder). Pansy has great bone and spring of rib, super breed character, wonderful moonspots and a gorgeous gold color. We are very excited to see her udder freshen! Outlaw is new to us, and will be bred to half of our herd this year. He is five years old with lots of daughters on the ground who have beautiful udders, and sons who have done well in the show ring. Added to his milk pedigree are his amazing conformation and blue eyes, and he’s polled! This pairing will yield F6 kids. Blue eyes, moonspotted, chocolate, and polled kids are possible.

Storybook’s Twix and Green Gables AC Amazing Asteroid *B

This picture of Twix does not do her justice. She is a gorgeous doe, polled, with a level topline and width and depth throughout. I am super eager to see this girl freshen! She is out of Wonderful Farm SG Royal Candy *P by our beloved Green Gables E Asher *B, conceived just before he perished. Candy’s udder is very productive: she gives lots of milk for a long time, and we have two of her daughters (Twix and Bit O Honey). Twix is littermate sister to Candyman, so that’s another reason to be eager to see her udder. She *may* be moonspotted–we’ll have to see. Mazy gave us gorgeous kids in 2024, with outstanding ears and breed character. And his milk heritage is, well, amazing! In 2020, Mazy’s dam Eclipse placed twice on the Top 10 305-Day List: #3 for milk volume and #5 for total butterfat. She earned her milk star in both volume and butterfat. In 2021, Eclipse peaked on test at 14#. Add to these, Mazy has a long, level topline and great breed character with a super nose and long ears. Kids will be F3. Polled kids are possible. UPDATE: They connected on September 7; unconfirmed due date is February 4.

Storybook’s Champagne Bubbles and Green Gables AC Amazing Asteroid *B

Bubbles is a character, and I’m very interested to see her udder. She was sired by Storybook’s Nonpareil (son of Briar Rose) and is out of Storybook’s Doux Champagne, who is on track to earn her star in 2024. (Champagne is another Mimzie daughter.) Bubbles is small and smart and spry and loves to jump up high! Bubbles is moonspotted. Mazy gave us gorgeous kids in 2024, with outstanding ears and breed character. And his milk heritage is, well, amazing! In 2020, Mazy’s dam Eclipse placed twice on the Top 10 305-Day List: #3 for milk volume and #5 for total butterfat. She earned her milk star in both volume and butterfat. In 2021, Eclipse peaked on test at 14#. Add to these, Mazy has a long, level topline and great breed character with a super nose and long ears. This pairing is line breeding on some of the best Green Gables animals. Kids will be F7. Moonspotted kids are possible, and breed character should be outstanding.UPDATE: They connected on September 7; unconfirmed due date is February 4.

Storybook’s Sassafras and Cedar Creek’s Outlaw Blues *B

Sassy is a chocolate doe, sired by Storybook’s Nonpareil (son of Briar Rose) and is out of Storyook’s Tiger Lily, who is on track to earn her star in 2024. (Lily is another Asher daughter, out of JC’s Snowdrop 3*P, who has given a gallon+ a day in 2024.) I hesitated to name her “Sassy” and sure enough, she lives up to her name, but in a sweet way. Outlaw is new to us, and will be bred to half of our herd this year. He is five years old with lots of daughters on the ground who have beautiful udders, and sons who have done well in the show ring. Added to his milk pedigree are his amazing conformation and blue eyes, and he’s polled! This pairing will yield F7 kids. Blue eyes, chocolate color, and polled kids are possible. UPDATE: They connected on September 7; unconfirmed due date is February 4. unofficial due date is February 4.

Storybook’s Clementine and Storybook’s Candyman *B

Clementine was sired by Blackberry’s BQ Once in a Blue Moon and is out of Storybook’s Cherie. She is blue eyed and wildly moonspotted, like her sire. She has a prodigious milky genes on both sides! Clementine’s maternal grand-dam is Ginger Top Farm Giselle *P, a national Top Ten milker in three categories. Candyman will be new in our lineup, but his genes are well known to us and we are excited about this pairing. Candyman is the son of Wonderful Farm SG Royal Candy *P and Green Gables E Asher *B. He is polled as well. Both of his parents have outstanding milk pedigrees; please click on his name to see all the stats! Kids will be F3. Polled, blue-eyed, and moonspotted kids are possible. UPDATE: They connected on September 8; unconfirmed due date is February 4. unofficial due date is February 5.

Storybook’s Sophia and Storybook’s Buckeye *B

Sophie was sired by Blackberry’s BQ Once in a Blue Moon and is out of Storybook’s Cherie. She is blue eyed, polled, and wildly moonspotted, like her sire. She has a prodigious milky genes on both sides! Sophia’s maternal grand-dam is Ginger Top Farm Giselle *P, a national Top Ten milker in three categories. Buckeye is the son of Green Gables E Asher *B and JC’s Bluebelle 3*P. He sired two litters in 2023, and we retained his daughter, Storybook’s Bit O Honey and look forward to breeding her in 2025. Buckeye is closely related to the foundation animals in our herd, so we haven’t used him much. We hope to use him more in the future when we freshen Outlaw daughters in 2027. His are some of the top genetics in our barn. Kids will be F3. Polled, blue-eyed, and moonspotted kids are possible. UPDATE: They connected on September 9; unconfirmed due date is February 6.

Due Dates in Chronological Order

PairingDue DateDelivery Date & Kids
Brillig to OutlawFebruary 4, 2025
Bubbles to MazyFebruary 4, 2025
Sassy to OutlawFebruary 4, 2025
Twix to MazyFebruary 4, 2025
Biscotti to OutlawFebruary 5, 2025
Clementine to CandymanFebruary 5, 2025
Tiger Lily to OutlawFebruary 5, 2025
Champagne to OutlawFebruary 6, 2025
Sophie to BuckeyeFebruary 6, 2025