Storybook’s Ambrosia

Ambrosia is a gorgeous doe, to which no picture we’ve taken of her yet gives justice.

She is a lovely honey-cinnamon colored bezoar, with pretty white highlights and gorgeous blue eyes. She is long bodied, and her topline is wonderful. She is an F6; purebred.

She is super sweet and friendly. We just love her so much!

Ambrosia was the last born of quadruplets, given to us by Udderly Precious Mimz the Word *P and Bellhouse’s Rigel *B. She had the best breed character of all the quads: her nose and ears are outstanding.

Mimzie is one of our favorite does: gentle, sweet, an excellent mother, and an 8#/day producer who easily earned her star in 2021. If Mimzie has a fault, it is that her attachments are a bit looser than we could wish.

Rigel is a beautiful chestnut color with striking blue eyes. Rigel’s dam, Echo Hills Sparrow *P, was one of our best producers, with a large soft udder, correctly placed teats, and LOTS of capacity. We have been very excited to see how Ambrosia‘s udder develops. We did not catch her in heat in 2021, but it was well worth the wait! She had twin daughters in 2022, both blue eyed, by BlackBerry’s BQ Once in a Blue Moon. They are pictured below; both retained.

Ambrosia did not earn her star as a first freshener in 2022, and in 2023, we are taking a break from milk testing since most of our herd is kidding late in the year, due to losses of bucks to meningeal worm early in our breeding season.

Ambrosia Growing Up

Below are baby pictures of Ambrosia growing up. Enjoy!

Ambrosia’s Registration

Ambrosia’s Udder

We love this girl’s udder. It is capacious, attached well, with a strong medial and great teats. The foreudder is wide and smoothly blended. The one critique might be that the teats are placed a tiny bit wider than “perfect.” This may change in her second freshening.

Ambrosia’s first milk test/12-hour separation, 32 days fresh.

Ambrosia’s Kids

2022 Kids

Ambrosia was paired with Blackberry’s BQ Once in a Blue Moon for her first kidding. Her first doeling (Mocha) had a large head, and we had to help her out, but both of she and her sister (Caramel Macchiato) were perfectly positioned. Both girls have blue eyes, long ears and bodies, great angulation of hind legs, and awesome toplines. We retained both of them.

2023 Kids

Ambrosia was bred to Green Gables E Asher *B just before he became sick with meningeal worm, which eventually took his life. We are so grateful to retain her daughter, whom we named Storybook’s Beauty for Ashes. Her brothers, Chai and Affogato went to be herdsires.