Star came to us with many accomplishments. She is a beautiful doe.
Star is a great producer of rich, creamy milk. Star’s sire was a full Nubian, and her mother was Skillman’s Jill (another top producer of the Skillman line). See more on Jill below.
Star measures at the top of the Mini Nubian range.
Photo credit: Skillman’s Ranch

This was Star’s udder as a First Freshener. It is little changed today. Star has aged gracefully! She is 6 years old, about halfway through a normal productive life of a doe, and going strong.
Photo credit: Skillman’s Ranch

Star’s pedigree. She is tall for a Mini Nubian, so we planned to breed her to our smaller bucks. She is beautifully moonspotted, and as graceful as a gazelle. She is loving and gentle, and a grandmother to all small kids on our farm. We love her dearly!

Star is double registered… with differing milk star rankings…
Below is her MDGA star certificate. She is simply *P with MDGA. However, with the TMGR registry, she is 4*P, because that registry recognizes Star’s dam, granddam, and great granddam’s milk star achievements.

Star’s Dam

Star’s dam: Skillman’s Jill AR 3*D
Jill was a phenomenal doe.
In this picture, Jill had two doelings, one of whom is Skillman’s Milcah, who was one of our first goats here at Storybook Farm.
Star is Milcah’s older half sister.
Photo credit: Skillman’s Ranch

Jill’s udder. See Milcah’s page for Jill’s milk test records. They are impressive!
Photo credit: Skillman’s Ranch
Star’s Kids at Storybook Farm
Star gave us a single doeling in 2020 amidst high drama. Storybook’s Twinkle, sired by Green Gables E Asher *B, came out head first, but front legs back, and was stuck. I was too new to kidding to help, but by God’s grace, a friend came and successfully got her born. She is a beautiful doeling, and kidded “like butter” with twins in 2021.

2021 Kids
Star gave us twin boys, also sired by Green Gables E Asher *B: Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. It was hard to give up these beautiful boys, but we can’t keep them all! We did put a buy-back clause into Ursa Major’s contract.

2022 Kids
Star was paired with Blackberry’s BQ Once in a Blue Moon. She kidded with twin bucklings. Storybook’s Star’s Spangled Banner and Storybook’s Cosmos were beautiful boys who found great homes.