Storybook’s Champagne Bubbles

We are very excited about this girl! She is the daughter of Storybook’s Doux Champagne, who led our barn of first fresheners in milk production in 2023 (when we weren’t milk testing), and who we confidently expect to gain her milk star in 2024 (when we hope to be testing).

Bubbles is moonspotted, and very pretty. She’s also sweet and quiet, as are her dam and granddam, MDGA Top Ten producer, Udderly Precious Mimz the Word *P. Because of a hop injury, we milked Mimzie through in 2021, and she was going strong after over a year. She has a tremendous will to milk that she has passed on to her daughter, Champagne.

We will be excited to breed this girl in the fall of 2024.

Bubbles Growing Up

Bubbles’ Registration

Coming soon…

Bubbles’ Dam Line

Bubbles’ Dam

Storybook’s Doux Champagne is an awesome girl! She inherited her will to milk from her dam, Mimzie, and her high, tight udder from her paternal grand dam, Green Gables Snow Camo 3*P. Read more about Champagne and see udder pictures on her page here.

Bubbles’ Maternal Granddam

Udderly Precious Mimz the Word *P has been retired in 2023, but we have loved her so much and she has given us two excellent daughters by Green Gables E Asher *B (Storybook’s Champagne and Storybook’s Brillig). See Mimzie’s udder and more about her on her page here.

Bubbles’ Sire Line

Bubbles’ Sire

Storybook’s Nonpareil is a handsome chocolate boy. He sired five litters in 2022, and we loved his kids so much that we retained three daughters and one son. Since we have his son, we let him go in 2023.

Bubbles’ Paternal Granddam

Storybook’s Briar Rose is a beautiful chocolate doe. She kidded with a single boy (Nonny) as a FF in 2022. Her udder was so promising that we kept him to sire five litters in 2022. (See pictures of her first and second freshening udders here.)

Rosie was sired by Green Gables E Asher *B, whose dam, Green Gables Snow Camo 3*P had a gorgeous udder. (See pictures of Cami and her udder on Asher’s page linked here.)

Bubbles’ Paternal Great Granddam (Rosie’s dam)

JC’s Bluebelle 3*P is Rosie’s Dam. She has a wonderful udder: snug and high and productive, with a lovely fore udder extension. We have retained four of her daughters: Rosie, Storybook’s Sweet Lilac, Storybook’s Mayflower, and Storybook’s Pansy. See Bluebelle’s udder pictures here.

Three of these are bred for 2024 kids, and we’re excited to see how many get milk stars, since we weren’t testing in 2023.

Bubbles’ Paternal Great Great Granddam (Asher’s dam)

Green Gables Snow Camo 3*P is a beautiful doe with a gorgeous udder. We had the pick of Green Gables’ bucklings in 2019, and we chose her son, Asher. We were never sorry! Asher improved udders in his daughters, especially helping them be more snugly attached and higher in the escutcheon.

See pictures of Cami’s udder here. She was a MDGA Top Ten doe in 2020: #8 in milk volume as a 7-year-old.