Echo Hills’ Sparrow is a beautiful, refined doe that comes to us courtesy of Bellhouse Farm. She is Rigel’s mother, so when Bethany decided to downsize because of a new job pending, I jumped at the chance to purchase her.
Before she arrived, Rigel’s sire broke through so we’ll have a repeat of a great breeding, with kids expected on December 9, 2019.

Bethany Bisherat wrote, “Sparrow is a gorgeous and very feminine doe. She is long and elegant, with beautiful long soft ears, and a strong, yet feminine roman nose. Sparrow had gorgeous triplet doelings as a first freshener and produced 8lbs, 6oz at her peak.”
She also gave Bethany triplet bucklings in her second freshening in February of 2019, of which Rigel is one, and earned her star.
Sparrow’s Pedigree. She has earned her star!

Sparrow’s FF udder

Side view of Sparrow’s FF udder.
Sparrow’s Dam

Sparrow’s dam: Echo Hills SD Dominique

Sparrow’s Dam’s Sire: Echo Hills Dominator
Sparrow’s Sire

Sparrow’s sire as a yearling:
Echo Hills Manhatten *B
Sparrow’s Kids at Storybook Farm
2019 Kids
Echo Hills’ Sparrow got out of her pen at her previous owner’s farm just days before we were scheduled to pick her up, and Goat Trails’ Texas Blue broke through electric fencing to be with her. (So romantic!) Tex is blue eyed and moon spotted, and Sparrow easily earned her milk star this year. Their kids are F7 (Purebred) and registered with MDGA. Since the breeding wasn’t planned, Sparrow kidded in December of 2019, and wasn’t bred again until September of 2020.
Bellhouse’s Magpie Bellhouse’s Chickadee
Bellhouse’s Skylark
2021 Kids
Sparrow has had five litters. She has had triplets each year, and they have all been single sexed, and alternates. So, she’s had triplet bucklings, triplet doelings, triplet bucklings, triplet doelings (for us in 2019), and this year, right on cue, triplet bucklings — but, she also birthed a stillborn doeling this year, who did not make it. These bucklings were sired by our polled buck Goat Trails Finley’s Gem Texas Pete.
Storybook’s Brown Thrasher Storybook’s Sir Lancelot 3rd boy: polled (Merlin)