Storybook’s Creme de Cocoa

We had to work really hard for this little girl, but we think she’ll be worth it! She was pulled out of her dam hind end first at about 2 AM, and didn’t have a sucking reflex until 4:30 AM. I was up the whole time with her, trying to get her to suck as she cried and cried. It was trying! In the end, I realized that she probably had neonatal maladjustment syndrome and needed a Madigan squeeze. She finally found her sucking reflex on her own without the squeeze, though.

Cocoa Growing Up

When born, she was much smaller and more frail than her first- and second-born brothers. Her dam shunned her, so we ended up supplementing her all day, each day. When her brothers were weaned and removed, Bluebelle accepted her back, and now mother and daughter are a happy pair. As she has developed and filled out, Cocoa is beautiful! She is deep and long, with amazing ears and a great nose. I’m so happy that we got to keep her!

Creme de Cocoa’s Registration

Coming soon…

Cocoa’s Dam Line

Cocoa’s dam is JC’s Bluebelle 3*P. Nursing triplets in this her fifth freshening, Bluebelle consistently gave over a gallon a day on test.

Her udder is beautiful, even as she turns six years old. It is high and tight and productive, with the most extended fore udder in our barn. I’m eager to see Cocoa’s udder in 2025!

Read more about this outstanding doe by clicking her name above, or here. You can also see her dam’s udder pictures there.

Cocoa’s Sire Line

Cocoa was sired by Green Gables AC Amazing Asteroid *B, a purebred boy with a ton of milk in his genes! His dam, Eclipse, milked 14 #s on test, breaking Green Gables records, and was an MDGA Top Ten doe several times.

Not only does Mazy have great milk genes, but the breed character that he puts on kids is gorgeous. See more of his kids on his page here.