Storybook’s Sophia

Storybook’s Sophia is a beautiful girl with a powerhouse of great milking genes behind her–and she’s polled, blue-eyed, and moonspotted!

Sophia Growing Up

Sophia’s Registration

Sophia’s Dam Line

Sophia’s Dam

Storybook’s Cherie is a beautiful, petite doe who gave us one other retained daughter, Storybook’s Marguerite. She is moonspotted and polled. She never earned her milk star, but she wasn’t far off, and she did have a habit of holding milk back. She effortlessly nursed triplets in her first freshening, and twins in her second (Clementine and Sophie). We are thinking that Blue Moon has improved her production, but time will tell when we freshen Clementine and Sophie.

Sophia’s Maternal Granddam

Ginger Top Farm Giselle *P is a beautiful first generation doe. We bred her to Texas Pete the first year we had her, and thereafter have bred her to Tiger for three seasons.

In 2021 MDGA’s Top Ten national milk testing program, Giselle placed in ALL THREE categories: #8 for milk weight, #9 for butter fat weight, and #10 for butterfat percent! (See her udder pictures and milk creds here).

Sophia’s Sire Line

Sophia’s Sire

Blackberry’s BQ Once in a Blue Moon is a handsome boy. He’s blue eyed and moonspotted and has excellent breed character and conformation for an F1. His biggest drawback is his size: he is very tall. See his extended pedigree here.

We freshened one of his daughters in 2023, Storybook’s Mocha, and she had a lovely udder. We moved her on as a doe in milk during a painful herd reduction, and kept Mocha’s littermate sister Storybook’s Caramel Macchiato to freshen in 2024. You can see the many amazing udders behind Blue Moon here.

Sophia’s Paternal Granddam

CA Blackberry’s TB Mat Trang was a very promising young doe who had a gorgeous FF udder.

After giving birth to Moon and a brother, she was very successful in the show ring. In July 2021, Mat Trang placed #14 in Yearling Milkers at the national ADGA show. She and her dam placed 5th in the Dam/Daughter class. Her dam won first in the 4-year-old Nubian class, and 2nd udder.

See udder pictures here.