Coop Plans


If you are a beginner-to-average home carpenter who owns a set of basic tools, you can build this coop in three short days for well under $100. This design is flexible: the coop can house up to 6 adult large fowl birds, can be winterized, can be mobile or stationary. If raised, it can add 24 square feet (and shade/snow-free space) to existing run space. Birds love it, and best of all, it’s one of the easiest coops for the farmer to operate! Open the pop door, check for eggs, feed, and water without moving one foot! Read more here!


When we decided to go into serious breeding of chickens, one thing we learned was the importance of maintaining genetic diversity. We decided to follow an old mating scheme called spiral breeding, or clan mating. In this approach, one divides one’s breeding stock into three “clans” or “families.” All hens stay with their mother’s family, while cocks are rotated through yearly. (For more detail, click here.)

We pondered long and hard the type of housing that we could give 12 families (3 clans for each of our four breeds) and finally hit on the idea of ringing our 1800 square foot garden plot with family hoop coops. Since I have 12 of them to tend daily, they are designed for my convenience, and the clans’ comfort.

We perch the coops 24″ above ground, and allow the birds to go under the coops for shade and extra pasture in summers, and snow-free ranging in winter, in addition to their roomy runs in our garden offered for their daily exercise. This design is easily converted into a portable chicken tractor by adding an axle and wheels. When this is done, the coop can easily be moved by one person.

We choose to operate the watering and pop door opening/closing daily manually, but this coop is easily automated.

These coops are easily winterized, offering a clear panel option that helps birds get essential Vitamin D and sunlit warmth in the winter when the sun is lower in the sky, yet remain cool in the summer when the sun’s rays come from higher up.

Our birds love these coops! You can read more details about these coops here, and buy plans from this page. Plans are digital, highly detailed, and have lots of pictures!

Important Details to Know Before Ordering

Essential tools for the build: screw gun, drill, skill saw, mitre saw (chop saw), stapler, jig (saber) saw, wire cutters, hammer, level, square

Nice tools to have for this build: pneumatic stapler and brad gun, table saw

Materials costs will vary with your area, and the cost will depend on how many bits and pieces you have on hand. For instance, you only need 30″ of 3/4″ plywood, so if you have that in scrap from another project, the coop will cost less. Same goes for poultry wire and welded wire: small amounts are needed for one coop, but these are sold in larger rolls. If you do not have to pay for more than you need (or are building several of them, as we are) they can cost as low as $75/coop. With added margins, most people can still build one with all new materials for under $100, and have some things left over–like wire to make a run! 👍🏻

When you order, you receive one download link that is good for only seven days, so please do not delay in downloading your purchase once made. If you have any trouble accessing your purchase, please contact us at